Absurdities and Realities of Special Education
Absurdities and Realities of Special Education: The University of Vermont Center for Digital Initiatives Collection is a complete set of all of the cartoons created by Michael Giangreco with the assistance of the artist Kevin Ruelle. This includes a total of 335 cartoons from four previously published books and searchable CD that went "out of print" in 2019 and a few newer cartoons. Michael Giangreco created the original ideas, text, and sketches for each cartoon and Kevin Ruelle redrew the sketches.
The cartoons in the first three books all were originally in black and white. That was a conscious decision, both for aesthetic and practical reasons. The cartoons were designed to be easily copied on to overhead transparencies for display in classes, workshops, and other learning environments. A group called Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) requested permission to use one of the cartoons on the cover of their magazine and subsequently colorized it. Prompted by Giangreco’s colleagues associated with ALLFIE, Giangreco and Ruelle began to colorize the rest of the images. In this complete digital collection, we have included a total of 335 different digital images; including the 315 different cartoons from the four earlier books, 12 cartoons that were on the CD only, and eight that were not included in any of the previously published books or CD.
Cartoons from the early books have found their way on to the pages of many newsletters disseminated by schools, parent groups, disability advocacy organizations, and professional associations. They have appeared in books, manuals, and journals; a few were even published in a law journal. The cartoons have been used extensively as projected slides or within learning activities in college classes, at conferences, in workshops, and at other meetings. Parents have framed cartoons that closely reflected their own experiences and hung them in their homes or offices. Other parents have used them in meetings with professionals to help get their points across. They have been given as gifts to people who "get it" and handed out as door prizes. The Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights used them as part of "Disability Awareness Day" at the Vermont legislature. The cartoons can be used in innumerable creative ways.
Showing 11 - 20 of 342 Records
Force Field
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1998
- Description: This cartoon shows a student in a wheelchair with his one-to-one paraprofessional pushing him in his wheelchair. They surrounded by a nearly invisible force field. The student's classmates can't see the force field and bump into it as they try to approach him. The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Joey noticed a mysterious force field around his assistant that children could not break through."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants
Applied Behavior Analysis
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1998
- Description: This cartoon shows two classmates playing catch. One of the students says to the other, "Hey Patty, Do you want to play ball?" Patty responds by using her hands positioned on her head to nod "Yes." Two teachers are in the foreground one asks the other, "What's that odd behavior?" The other says, "She's nodding YES. Those are the physical prompts I used." The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Patty's teacher returned the book on applied behavior analysis before he had a chance to read the chapter on fading physical prompts."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a man in a wheelchair and a woman with crutches talking on a corner at an intersection next to a street sign. One sign says "Diet Lane" and the other sign says "Rehab Way." The woman says to the man, "I tell all my friends with disabilities, "Never get therapy from a P.T. on a diet." The man replies, "You're right! If she doesn't like her own body, she sure won't like ours!" The tag lines reads "The intersection where dieting and rehabilitation meet."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Frequent Includer Program
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The Cartoon shows a male teacher sitting at a desk with two parents standing on the other side of the desk in front of him. The teacher is saying "So, I can earn 20,000 points for each student with a disability I include in a regular class?" The father says "That's right! Redeemable for items in our catalogue." The tag line reads "Desperate parents resort to establishing their own 'frequent Includer Program.'"
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Foot in the Door
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a child at the door of a class room trying to get in the door he is rapping on the door and has his foot in the door. There is a man trying to close the door from the right side of the panel. There is a word bubble that says "Rap!Rap!Rap!" in it. The tag line reads "Placement of a child with a disability in a General Education classroom is not enough to be included, it's just a foot in the door."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Difference Between Disciplines
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a room with two men playing with balls. One man is playing with large balls and one man is looking at smaller balls. In the foreground of the panel are two educators, a woman and a man. The woman says to the man, "Tell me again, what is the difference between P.T.s and O.T.s? The man says "P.T.s have bigger balls." The tag line reads "Sylvia continually struggles to understand the differences between the disciplines."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Terrorless Learning
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows three children sitting at a table working together. In the foreground are a man and a woman. The man says, "Max seems to be interacting with the other kids so much better lately." The woman replies, "We've begun to understand his behavior. He has responded well to positive behavioral supports." The tag line reads, "Terrorless Learning."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Tenacious Advocate
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: A parent, (Mrs. Green) is seated a cross a table from her child's IEP team. Her arm is reaching behind her, aimed toward a life-sized cardboard replica of an advocate, who is holding up a document labeled IDEA. The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Mrs. Green resorts to bringing a life-sized cardboard replica of the county's most tenacious advocate to her child's IEP meeting. "Inspired by Marilyn Wessels"
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Hanging On
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a panel with a yellow background and the word inclusion in orange block letters. A man is holding onto the letter N with his teeth and someone from outside the panel is exclaiming, "Hang On!!" the tag line reads "People with disabilities don't have any skin on their teeth, and they shouldn't need any."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
New Disability Categories
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows four people in the panel. On the left of the panel is a height measure from 1 to 6 feet. The first person the right of the height measure is a dark skinned woman holding two packages with bags full of packages at her feet. Above her head it says "Chronic Shopping Syndrome." To her right is a very tall bald man above his head it says "Follically Impaired." To the right of him is a very small woman above her head it says "Vertically Challenged." To the right of her is a medium height man with long blond hair above him it says "Color Blind." The tag line reads "Congress authorizes the addition of four new disability categories to the Americans with Disabilities Act."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants