Fletcher Family
The Fletcher Family collection includes family correspondence from the period 1826-1903 and photographs from circa 1860-1890. The material comes from the Fletcher Family subseries of the Consuelo Northrop Bailey Papers, which contains family papers collected by Consuelo's mother, Katherine Fletcher Northrop.
The correspondence included in this collection was collected by Ruth Allen Colton Fletcher, Henrietta Smith Fletcher, and Katherine Fletcher. Ruth was born in 1810 or 1811 to Lydia and Lemuel Colton of Sharon, VT. She married Andrew Fletcher in 1839, and lived in Waterville, Belvidere, and then Johnson, VT until her death, circa 1903. Her oldest surviving child was Andrew Craig Fletcher, who married Henrietta Smith in 1869. Henrietta was born in 1845 to Catherine and George Smith of Burke, NY. Katherine Fletcher was born in 1870 to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher of Jeffersonville, VT. She attended Johnson State Normal School from 1885-1887, graduating in January 1888.
The correspondence describes the experiences of several family members who moved west to New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, and California. The correspondents recount in great detail the work of creating and managing their farms in these new states or territories, and many letters give meticulous lists of the prices of land, grains, stock, and groceries. The families in this correspondence endure a great deal of sickness and deaths and these as well as some accounts of their medical treatments are described in the letters. There are a few letters from Enos Fletcher and Charles Hogan that are from the Civil War, and several letters refer to the War and its effects on their communities. There is an account of the "St. Albans Raid" by Ruth's son Andrew Craig Fletcher, who was working in St. Albans at the time. Katherine Fletcher's correspondence with her family and classmates document her life and studies at Vermont's teacher training institution twenty years into its history as such.
Showing 11 - 20 of 452 Records
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 September 11
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include her studies at school, her new teacher, selling apples, and her plans to purchase a new dress.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1886 September 27
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include needing coal or wood for her stove.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1886 October 2
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include her roomate, Katie Chase, other boarders, and her marks in History and Algebra.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 October 21
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include hiring help with household work.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1886 November 12
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- Creator: Smith, Edward C.
- Description: Topics include purchasing maple syrup directly from Vermont for his grocery business in San Francisco, a possible visit to Vermont in January or February, selling off his ranch, and his monthly income.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Family\, 1886 December 14
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include when she might come home, her grades, and editing the club paper.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
[Cora Davis] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 December 20
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- Creator: Davis, Cora.
- Description: Topics include when Katherine is coming home, mutual friends, and purchasing paper for her.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 January 14
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include Rhett's improved health, her desire to study U.S. History, and plans to have friends over that night.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Carrie Fletcher\, 1887 March 26
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include their colds, preparing her piece for the B Class Public Club exhibition, joining the Christian Endeavor Society, the importance of studying Arithmetic, and Miss Gordon moving from their boarding house.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1887 June 4
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include paying for her board, preparing for her exhibition and her examination, having her dress made, her illness and that of classmates, and almost being seventeen.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family