Showing 41 - 50 of 81 Records

Congressional Speeches
    • Date Created: 1812-1988

    Justin Morrill Letters to UVM President Matthew Buckham
      • Creator: Morrill, Justin S. (Justin Smith), 1810-1898
      • Date Created: 1872-1898
      • Description:

        Justin Morrill (1810-1898) served as a US Representative (1855-1867) and Senator (1867-1898) from Vermont, following a successful business career. His signature legislative accomplishments were the Land Grant Acts of 1862 and 1890, which used the proceeds from the sale of federal lands expropriated from tribal nations, to create land-grant colleges. The purpose of these land-grant colleges was to teach agriculture, military instruction, and mechanical arts such as engineering in addition to the traditional science and classical education that was generally taught in colleges at that time. The second Land Grant Act, passed in 1890, funded colleges in the former Confederate states and required each state to offer race blind admissions or set up a separate land-grant college for persons of color, which led to the creation of several of the historically Black colleges and universities. An additional act passed by Congress in 1887 funded agricultural experiment stations under the direction of the land grant colleges.

        In 1865, the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College was incorporated, after a great deal of debate about whether a land-grant college in Vermont should be a separate institution, or attached to the University of Vermont, Norwich University, Middlebury College or even possibly a merger of those three institutions. Despite the 1865 incorporation, these debates would continue in Vermont for many years to come. With the establishment of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, Morrill became a trustee of the University, a position he continued to hold until his death in 1898.

        Matthew Buckham (1832-1910) became President of the University in 1871 and continued in this role until his death in 1910. He had previously graduated from the University in 1851 and served as a faculty member from 1856-1871. His time as president saw the admission of women to the University, the addition of several notable buildings to campus such as Williams Hall and the Billings Library, and the development of the State Agricultural College which had admitted no students to the agricultural course in the six years before he became President.

        Morrill and Buckham were frequent correspondents and eighty-two of Morrill’s letters to Buckham, along with three to George Benedict and one to Albert Cummins, are preserved in Buckham’s papers at the University of Vermont and are digitized and transcribed in this collection. The letters included here discuss a wide variety of topics, mostly related to the agricultural college and include: federal support for the University, possible donors, military instruction, Morrill’s views on the development of agricultural colleges around the country, competition with Middlebury and Norwich, Vermont legislation such as the 1890 “divorce bill” which would have separated the State Agricultural College from the University, the experimental farm, the academic progress of Morrill’s son James at the University, and the construction of Billings Library along with the potential acquisition of the library of George Perkins Marsh.

      Prospect Archive of Children's Work
        • Creator: Prospect School and Center for Education and Research

          • Creator: Prospect School and Center for Education and Research
          • Date Created: 2008-09-11
          • Parent Collections: Prospect Archive of Children's Work

          Porter C. Thayer Photographs
            • Description:

              This archive contains 1300 photographs made by Porter C. Thayer,scanned from silver gelatin prints, held in the collection of the Brooks Memorial Library. The prints were made in 1980 from the 5x7 glass plates negatives created by Porter Thayer. These images are also available on microfilm at the Brattleboro library.

              Porter Thayer was born Porter Charlie Thayer on January 6, 1882 on Main Street in Williamsville, Vermont. He grew up in the red house called the Tillotson Place in the Parish section of Newfane, Vermont.

              He photographed Windham County, Vermont, beginning in 1906 through around 1920. Like most Vermont men of his generation he was a farmer, specifically an apple orchardist, managing his 50 acre apple orchard on Baker Brook Farm in Newfane. He turned to his apple business after ending his photographic career.

              The postcard craze that most likely reached Vermont by about 1905, was perhaps the impetus for Porter Thayer starting up a photographic business. His diaries tell that he sold 1,197 postal cards during a six-month period at the height of his career. The cards were for sale as souvenirs to summer tourists at small general stores, local inns, boarding houses and hotels. Local folks purchased his photographs as well, especially around the Christmas season, to send to distant relatives. A Brattleboro, Vermont directory of 1909 lists Porter as advertising that he would come to anyone’s home and make images for a reasonable fee. Around 1911 he recorded that he had 720 customers. Eventually he photographed in all the towns within a 25 mile radius of his home in Newfane.

              Porter Thayer perfectly fits the archetype of the town photographer. He traveled the narrow dirt roads in his buggy, behind his faithful mare Lady, who accompanied him daily. He could apparently take extended naps while Lady brought him safely home, as she always knew the way. He used two cameras: a 5 x 7 and a 6.5 x 8.5 view camera and made glass dry-plate negatives. He traveled with stacks of postcards to be delivered at stores along the way to his days work.

              Working continually through seasons and years, Porter Thayer left an archive that is a cultural treasure for southeastern Vermont. The quality of his work shows that he was able to combine business needs with aesthetic ones. During the time period Porter worked, Vermont was extremely poor and rural, yet held a close-knit population that shared the labors of life. Farmers helped one another to survive in a subsistence and barter economy. For women, men, and children, life meant constant work. Thayer’s images describe the work and the tools involved. His landscape images reveal this working landscape, which today is mostly hidden by trees. The fruits of his labor as a photographer have grown in importance, as both the landscape and culture of Vermont has shifted into modern spheres of living.

              Written by Jessica Weitz and Forrest Holzapfel, 2010.

            Ants in His Pants
              • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-
              • Date Created: 1998
              • Description: This collection includes 111 color cartoon images from the book Ants in His Pants.
              • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education

              Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
                • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-
                • Date Created: 1999
                • Description: This collection includes 105 color cartoon images from Flying by the Seat of Your Pants.
                • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education

                Tennie Toussaint Photographs
                  • Date Created: 2007-04-10

                  Maple Recipe Collection
                    • Date Created: 1952-2008
                    • Description: The Maple Recipe collection offers a unique glimpse at the variety in maple sugar and maple syrup use over the last half-century, as it is prominently featured in a range of dishes, from the sweet to the savory. The collection includes entrees, side dishes, appetizers, breads and desserts, and draws recipes from a variety of sources, including commercial cookbooks, regional cookbooks, and community cookbooks. Highlights of the collection include: a selection of recipes from Judith Jones, cookbook editor for Julia Child and part-time Vermont resident; published recipes from celebrated Vermont food establishments, including the Inn at Shelburne Farms, the Cobble House Inn, and the New England Culinary Institute; and recipes from community organizations, including local Vermont church groups, the Green Mountain Folklore Society, and the University of Vermont. The materials in this collection are a small sampling of the cookbook collection in the University of Vermont Libraries Department of Special Collections.