Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Records

Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
    • Date Created: 12th century - 17th century, C.E.
    • Description: The Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection contains images of 21 unbound manuscript items and 10 bound manuscript items from the Silver Special Collections Library of the University of Vermont. These manuscripts were written in various locations across Europe and the Middle East, from early in the 12th century to the 17th century C.E. Many of the texts are religious in nature. There are examples from Vulgate Bibles, the Koran, liturgical books, books of private devotion, handbooks for confessors, and a book of church law. Other texts include works by Cicero, Terence, Eberhard Hicfelt, and Ascanio Savorgnano; and contain topical works on medicinal herbs, the island of Cyprus, and the laws of Carpeneto, Italy. The collection also includes a contract and a will, both from Italy. These beautiful books are often heavily illustrated or decorated, and provide examples of a wide range of scripts, both Gothic and later varieties. Most of the manuscripts are written on parchment, but several are made of paper, including the oldest item, a Koran leaf with a supplied date of 1106. The scope of the collection will facilitate studies of book history, codicology, paleography, and Medieval and Renaissance history.

    Maple Recipe Collection
      • Date Created: 1952-2008
      • Description: The Maple Recipe collection offers a unique glimpse at the variety in maple sugar and maple syrup use over the last half-century, as it is prominently featured in a range of dishes, from the sweet to the savory. The collection includes entrees, side dishes, appetizers, breads and desserts, and draws recipes from a variety of sources, including commercial cookbooks, regional cookbooks, and community cookbooks. Highlights of the collection include: a selection of recipes from Judith Jones, cookbook editor for Julia Child and part-time Vermont resident; published recipes from celebrated Vermont food establishments, including the Inn at Shelburne Farms, the Cobble House Inn, and the New England Culinary Institute; and recipes from community organizations, including local Vermont church groups, the Green Mountain Folklore Society, and the University of Vermont. The materials in this collection are a small sampling of the cookbook collection in the University of Vermont Libraries Department of Special Collections.