Note: Put the word between quotation marks (“example”) to perform an exact search.

Showing 11 - 18 of 18 Records

Roswell Farnham to Laura
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    • Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
    • Date Created: 1862-11-07
    • Description: Topics include the regiments location relative to Alexandria, Virginia and Mount Vernon, a description of G. Mason ( a Southern secessionist), troops commandeering and occupation of Mason's property, the ruins of other mansions in the area, and the continued improvement of Laura‚Äôs health (Farnham's sister).
    • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence

    Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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      • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
      • Date Created: [1861]-06-03
      • Description: Barney writes from Newport News, Virginia on the construction of a trench and accounts of alarms from the picket guard including a mule causing one of the alarms. Writes of the 2500 men, their disappointment at not being able to fire upon the Secessionists, fears the box from Swanton will not arrive at all, of the presence of 25 or 30 slaves, of horses, mules, dogs being brought in to camp, requests postage stamps and envelopes.
      • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

      Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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        • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
        • Date Created: 1861-06-23
        • Description: Topics include an account of what was seen during a scouting expedition, of orders to bring back lumber, of the men coming upon deserted homes still completely furnished, of the men ordered not to disturb anything (which some did anyway), of his observation and opinion of the negro slaves encountered.
        • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

        Justus F. Gale to Father
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          • Creator: Gale, Justus F., 1837-1863.
          • Date Created: 1862-06-14
          • Description: Topics include the living conditions and food in New Orleans, continues with cooking duty, the good weather, soldiers bringing back to camp chickens, eggs, an account of the poor treatment of slaves, two slave boys being rescued from ill treatment from their masters, and the observance of Sabbath in camp, wishing to know more news of the war than he can get in the South.
          • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Justus F. Gale Correspondence

          Joseph Rutherford to [Hannah Rutherford]
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            • Creator: Rutherford, Joseph Chase, 1818-1902.
            • Date Created: 1863-07-19
            • Description: Writing from in the field up in the mountains near Snickers Gap, Virginia topics include marching to catch Gen. Robert E. Lee, pillage of livestock for food by some of the soldiers that include chickens and hogs from nearby farms as well as having fresh blackberries, sleeping on the wet ground, spending time looking at photographs of loved ones and poking fun at themselves in harsh living conditions.
            • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Joseph Chase Rutherford Correspondence

            Lyman Barton to Melissa Barton
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              • Creator: Barton, Lyman, 1839-1936.
              • Date Created: 1863-08-02
              • Description: Lyman writes about wishing to receive more letters from his sister, as he is lonely in camp, even though it sounds like he is enjoying himself. He points out the battles printed on the bottom of the writing paper he is using, saying that he was in the last four of them. The letter continues with a detailed description of the movements of his Brigade. He also mentions ‚Äúconfiscating‚Äù a beef, writing that soldiers don‚Äôt steal, only confiscate and the only difficulty was getting the beef into the camp.
              • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Barton Family Correspondence

              [Henry Harrison Wilder] to Mother
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                • Creator: Wilder, Henry Harrison.
                • Date Created: 1861-12-11
                • Description: Henry writes from Camp Griffin, Va of the regiment's scouting expedition, of Capt. Stowell's company, of obtaining two hogs from a pen, of the fact that the captain is not very liked and that Lt. Hamilton is well liked by the company. Cautions his mother against being bothered about hear say.
                • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Henry Harrison Wilder Correspondence

                Report of property found in the several companies of the 1st Vermont Regiment…
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                  • Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
                  • Date Created: 1861-06-24
                  • Description: List compiled by Farnham of items found or stolen from citizens by soldiers during a campaign.
                  • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence