Showing 6731 - 6740 of +10000 Records

Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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    • Description: This view of Staniford Road shows the thorough mixing of the pavement materials after the dry mixing of the cement and the addition of water. Note the work of the power grader along the gutter line where the blade has removed the materials for the full depth of the thickness of the gutter. Power grader can be seen in the distance as well as the asphalt distributor used in applying the water. The tractor and heavy duty double 8 inch disc harrow shown in the foreground did a very satisfactory job in mixing. Work by Burlington Street Dept. Undated but may be 1942.
    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

    Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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      • Description: This view of Staniford Road shows the Bower Grader wind rowing the pavement mixture toward the gutter to the crown leaving the surface to a uniform crown and grade. Work by Burlington Street Dept. Undated but may be 1942.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

      Burlington Streets: Shelburne Road.
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        • Description: Photograph dated Nov. 1, 1935. Original caption reads: This view shows the street intersection of Ledge Road and South Willard Street where the curb has been recessed approximately twenty-five feet and the asphalt pavement has been reconstructed to allow for better traffic conditions on U.S. Route No. 7 leading north from Shelburne Street through Willard Street.
        • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

        Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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          • Description: October 1, 1942. Photo No. 12. This view of Staniford Road shows the method of applying water to the base after the base has been thoroughly dry mixed. This equipment is a Standard Kinney Jr. Asphalt Distributor of six hundred (600) gallon capacity. The water is being applied under maximum pressure and followed immediately with the Killifer Spring-Tooth Cultivator and the twenty inch (20") disc harrow.
          • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

          Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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            • Description: September 30, 1942. Photo No. 13. This view shows the operation of the power grader in the final shaping of the stabilized material after mixing had been thoroughly completed. Note the compaction under the weight of the rubber tires. In order to eliminate possible scaling or cleavage of materials where compaction takes place under the tires, the entire surface is scarified lightly with a spike-tooth harrow before final rolling.
            • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

            Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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              • Description: October 1, 1942. Photo No. 15. This view of Staniford Road shows the Power Grader blading the surface and shaping the crown after the mixing and compacting with the Sheep's foot roller has been completed. Note the section in the background which was completed the previous day.
              • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

              Burlington Streets: Willard Street
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                • Description: October 19, 1929. View of South Willard Street.
                • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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                  • Description: Photograph dated Oct. 10, 1929 with a view of the paving project on Winooski Avenue.
                  • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                  Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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                    • Description: Undated but apparently taken in 1924 as the below description indicates the street sweeper was purchased in 1923. Location is South Winooski Ave site of the old Burlington Street Department location. The "Elgin" Street Sweeper: Purchased by the Street Department April 1923. Cost $6,500 This picture was taken after one year's service in which over 17,000,000 sq. yards of pavement were cleaned and 4688 cubic yards of dirt was picked up at an average cost of $0.22 per 1000 sq. yards cleaned and $0.84 cubic yard. picked up. This picture taken as it started out on it's second season after being completely overhauled and painted by the operator and his helper.
                    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                    Camp Kill Kare
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                      • Description: Undated photo #5 of 10 boys kneeling or sitting on the grounds of Kamp Kill Kare once located on Hathaway Point in St Albans Bay, Vermont from 1906-1966. Boys wear official camp T-shirts. Camp buildings seen in the background. Camp later became Kill Kare State Park. Date may be 1950s or 60s.
                      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs