Showing 771 - 780 of 1523 Records
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 September 17
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Ray's recent "worm fit," entertaining Carrie's friends, and Katherine staying at school over the weekends.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1886 September 24
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include the poor conditions of Katherine's boarding house and her intention of moving.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 January 7 and Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie., Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include acquiring a new book, Rhett's condition becoming more stable, paying off the Carleton heirs, and Henrietta's desire that Katherine continue her studies.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 January 9
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- Creator: Flagg, Mamie.
- Description: Topics include sledding and other activities at Bakersfield Academy, her plans for studying and teaching, her Christmas gifts, and the African American mother and son boarding upstairs.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Nida George to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 February 17 and 23
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- Creator: George, Nida.
- Description: Topics include the deep snow, inquiries about former schoolmates, and two missing articles from contributors to the club newspaper.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1887 May 19
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include picking out her dress and preparing her humorous piece for the exhibition.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Mrs. G.D. Cleveland to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 June 14 and [Henrietta Fletcher] to Katherine Fletcher
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- Creator: Cleveland, Mrs. G.D., Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include making the final decisions concerning Katherine's dress.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Ida Barton to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 June 27
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- Creator: Barton, Ida.
- Description: Topics include returning report cards and Katherine taking over her former school in Jeffersonville.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Tom [Guild] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 December 10
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- Creator: Guild, Tom.
- Description: Topics include a misunderstanding between them regarding Fred Ober.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1887 December 31
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include her wild times while preparing for examinations, taking brandy with her when she goes anywhere, and her roomate's illness.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family