Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Records

In commemoratione defunctorum
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    • Creator: Catholic Church
    • Date Created: 1450-1499
    • Description: Text is a liturgy for observing a vigil for the deceased. The Office of the Dead is use of Paris as shown by the responses to the nine lessons, beginning respectively: Qui lazarum (image 23), Credo quod (image 25), Heu michi (image 27), Ne recorderis (image 36), Domine quando (image 38), Peccantem me (image 40), Domine secundum (image 50), Memento mei (image 52), Libera me domine de morte eterna (image 54). The second text in this codex is the Recommendation of Souls (images 75-105).
    • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

    Hours of the Virgin Mary
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      • Creator: Catholic Church
      • Date Created: 1450-1499
      • Description: Text is from the sixth reading of the service at matins for the Virgin.
      • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

      Book of Hours
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        • Date Created: 1450-1499
        • Description: Text is from a set of Responsories.
        • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

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          • Date Created: 1450-1499
          • Description: Text is from the end of Act 2 through the beginning of Act 3 of The Eunuch.
          • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

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            • Date Created: 1450-1499
            • Description: Text is from the end of Act 4 through the beginning of Act 5 of The Mother-in-Law.
            • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

            Vulgate Bible
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              • Date Created: 1450
              • Description: Text is Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) 3:3-8:7.
              • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts

              Book of Hours
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                • Date Created: 1450-1499
                • Description: Text is Psalms (Iuxta LXX) 123:6-124:5.
                • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts