Showing 1 - 1 of 1 Records

Van der lehre des Reinen Godtlichen wordes und Christlicher Ordenung und Caeremonienn in den Kercken unsers Landes Didtmarschen
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    • Date Created: 1550-1650
    • Description: The text of this manuscript appears to be a copy of the Danish Church Ordinance of 1537, here applied to Frederick II's new royal patrimony of Ditsmarschen. The original ordinance, by Frederick's father, Christian III, established Danish ecclesiastical organization (Lutheran) and was based on the Augsburg Confession of 1530. The principle text (fol. 1-60) is followed by a register of the articles (fol. 61-65r). This is follwed by copies, in several later hands, of various documents, agreements, and "konighliche und furstliche Constitutionen" of Danish rulers from 1422-1635 (fol. 65v-110).
    • Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts