Showing 1 - 10 of 243 Records

School Class
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    • Date Created: 1946
    • Parent Collections: Photographs of Vergennes (Vt.)

    Burlington Streets: Intervale
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      • Date Created: 1946-06-29 00:00:00
      • Description: June 29, 1946. Burlington Street Department - Burlington, Vermont Intervale Road - Asphalt Stabilized base and Armor Coat Wearing Surface This view taken from the railroad crossing looking southerly toward Riverside Ave. shows the mixing process while constructing the stabilized base using asphalt emulsion (XRM) as a binder. The materials used for aggregate on this job was road gravel hauled from the Lunderville Pit in the town of Williston last October and spread approximately 28 feet in width over the entire section from Riverside Ave. to the railroad crossing, a distance of approximately 875 feet. Note the Allis-Chalmers Power Grader mixing the gravel after the asphalt emulsion had been applied by pressure distributor. The Armor Coat Wearing Surface was constructed directly after the stabilized base had been completed. This is a very economical type of paving, especially where a cheaper grade of materials can be used and the location does not demand a higher type of pavement. Note the high embankment in the right background where several thousand cubic yards of filling was loaded by the Street Department with its power shovel and hauled with trucks to widen both sides of Intervale Road on the section between the railroad crossing and Riverside Ave. as well as the grading around the new catch basins and the filling of the ramp on the river bank where the undertile drainage pipe leads to the river. All of this filling was donated free of charge by the owner of the property (Geo. C. Stanley and Sons) to the City as well as a considerable amount of concrete sand and gravel for the construction of concrete catch basins and headwalls in connection with the drainage system. This project, which was approved for construction by the Board of Street Commissioners in June 1945 was practically completed on July 3, 1946 for the first section. The original plans included the second section from the railroad crossing northerly to a point approximately 100 feet northerly by the so-called Pariseau residence. This section was prepared last fall as to the grading and gravel surface and as no underground drainage is necessary it can be completed with very little expense as the only materials necessary to purchase will be asphalt emulsion.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

      Burlington Streets: Institute Road
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        • Date Created: 1946
        • Description: June 29, 1946 Institute Road - Rock Excavation Street Widening Project. This view looking easterly from the intersection of the road leading to Bishop Hopkins Hall looking toward North Ave. Shows the appearance of the sidewalk and filling as it was being constructed. Note that the sidewalk was placed parallel to the street line and a sufficient distance from the trees to avoid any injury to the trees.
        • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs,Louis L. McAllister Photographs

        First Church of Christ - Scientists
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          • Date Created: 1946
          • Description: 1946/1947 photo of the Christian Science Church on South Union Street in Burlington, Vermont.
          • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

          First Church of Christ - Scientists
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            • Date Created: 1946
            • Description: 1946/1947 photo of the Christian Science Church on South Union Street in Burlington, Vermont.
            • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

            Milton High School - Class Pictures
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              • Date Created: 1946
              • Description: 1946 Milton school student class picture. Photo #8.
              • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

              Milton High School - Building
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                • Date Created: 1946
                • Description: 1946 view of the Milton High School building's front door entrance.
                • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                Mount St. Mary's Academy - May Crowning
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                  • Date Created: 1946
                  • Description: 1946 May Crowning religious ceremony in the Mount St. Mary's Academy Sacred Heart Chapel. Young ladies line the aisle singing, wearing long gowns, veils, and holding bouquets of flowers. In the background a young woman crowns the statue of the Virgin Mary.
                  • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                  Mount St. Mary's Convent
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                    • Date Created: 1946-1947
                    • Description: Two Sisters of Mercy of Mount St. Mary's convent. Dated 1946/1947
                    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                    Mt. St. Mary's Convent
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                      • Date Created: 1946
                      • Description: Seven young women admitted to the Sisters of Mercy community as postulants, i.e. possible candidates for the novitiate and perhaps further commitment to the community. Before "taking the veil," they wear a simple black habit and a small headdress of black tulle or lace. Dated 1946.
                      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs