Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Records
Search Committee
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: Four search committee members are seated at a round table. The first person says, "Any other suggested criteria for hiring a candidate for the position?" The second person who is holding up a book to show them called Ants in His Pants Absurdities and Realities of Special Education says, "I think we should show them a bunch of educational cartoons. If they laugh, they move on to the interview round; if not, it's ciao for now." The third person says, "O.K." The last persons says, "Sounds good." The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Search committee members recognize that to be effective in schools it helps to have a good sense of humor."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Method to the Madness
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows a cluster of university buildings, one is a tall bell tower with a person at the top laughing, "Hee hee hee." There are three people in the foreground of the panel one man standing on the left says, "Is the rumor true about Dr. G?" The woman standing in the middle says, "I'm afraid so. After 20 years of conducting research he's regressed to a child-like state of writing cartoons." The man standing on the right says, "He won't get tenure that way!" The tag line reads, "Method to the madness: Unbeknownst to his learned colleagues, Dr G. got more people talking about important issues when they were cleverly disguised as corny cartoons."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks