Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Records

People working in a cornfield, Brookside, Vt.
Image nop
    • Date Created: 19--
    • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

    The Old Shop, Wardsboro Center, Vt.
    Image nop
      • Date Created: 19--
      • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

      Bald Mt., Jamaica, Vt.
      Image nop
        • Date Created: 1912
        • Description: Homestead with garden and hosue at bas eof mountain.
        • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

        Mr. Stearn's or George Sellar's House, Jamaica, Vt.
        Image nop
          • Date Created: 1911
          • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

          Sam Morse and Carl Brown digging potatoes in Windham County, Vermont
          Image nop
            • Date Created: 19--
            • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

            Large garden next to a factory building in Windham County,Vermont
            Image nop
              • Date Created: 19--
              • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

              Hill Scenery, Jamiaca, Vt.
              Image nop
                • Date Created: 1911
                • Description: Some kind of crop in the foreground.
                • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

                Unidentified barn with corn crop in front, Wardsboro, Vt.
                Image nop
                  • Date Created: 19--
                  • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs