Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Records

Chin Drop
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    • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
    • Date Created: 2000
    • Description: The cartoon shows two frames separated by a zig-zag open space to indicate these are two different places at the same point in time. The frame on the right shows a woman wearing a phone headset and is sitting at a desk. She says to the person on the other end of the line, "Big News! From now on we're expected to actually implement all the provisions of IDEA" The man in the frame on the left is holding the phone and drops his chin on the table making a loud "Thump!" when he hears the news. To which the woman on the other end replies, "Wow. This phone line is clear!" The tag line reads, "After receiving inevitable news. You could hear a chin drop."
    • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks

    Adjustment Problem
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      • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
      • Date Created: 1999
      • Description: This cartoon has two panels stacked vertically; they shows a man who is a school administrator calling Mrs. Jones from the school. The top panel is split in half. On the left half there is the administrator from the school on the phone saying, "Mrs. Jones we're having a problem at school. Sarah, Buzz, Roy, and Val seem to be having difficulty getting along with your daughter." On the right half of the panel Mrs. Jones says into the phone, "I'm so surprised! I thought she was getting along so well with her classmates!" The panel on the bottom is split the same as above and the administrator is saying "She is! Sarah, Buzz, Roy and Val are Adults." Mrs. Jones has a thought bubble with gray in it and she has a frown on her face. The tag line reads, "Adjustment Problems: 'Usually the adults, rarely the kids.'"
      • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

      Whole Language
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        • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
        • Date Created: 1999
        • Description: The cartoon shows Mr. Moody sitting at a desk with papers and a phone on it. He is on the phone and says, "You're darn right I'm in favor of a whole language! Those partial language approaches are completely inadequate." The tag line reads "Mr. Moody left the district in-service on teaching reading before they discussed the importance of combining literature and phonics."
        • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants

        Inclusion Every Tuesday and Thursday
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          • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
          • Date Created: 1998
          • Description: This cartoon has two panels stacked vertically. The top panel shows a mother sitting in an upholstered arm chair at home on the phone with the school principal. She says, "We have just moved to the area and we have a daughter with a disability. Do you have inclusive education at your school?" In the lower panel the principal is seated on his desk on the phone and replies, "Yes! Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 11!" The tag line reads, "Principal Jones fails to recognize the contradiction in terms."
          • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants