Showing 1 - 9 of 9 Records

Two hand draw masks
Image nop
    • Date Created: 1909
    • Description: These two faces look akin to common "Mempo", the masks worn by samurai to guard the face. The coloration, and fierce facial expressions, are remarkably similar.
    • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

    Elderly man with a bow
    Image nop
      • Date Created: 1909
      • Description: An elderly man is posing in a clan kimono with a "Yumi" (Bow) in his left hand. The bareness of his left arm suggests that the man is a practitioner of "Kyudo" (Japanese Zen Archery).
      • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

      Samurai posing in a sitting position
      Image nop
        • Date Created: 1909
        • Description: A hand colored picture of a Samurai posing for a picture, fully garbed in armor.
        • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

        Two men attired as Samurai playing Shogi
        Image nop
          • Date Created: 1909
          • Description: Judging by their hairstyles and the manner in which they are dressed, the two men are either of Samurai heritage or imitating men of such. They are playing Shogi, a Japanese board game similar in quality and manner to Chess.
          • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

          A rural Samurai
          Image nop
            • Date Created: 1909
            • Description: The Samurai in this picture is wearing a straw raincoat in addition to his swords and clothing.
            • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

            Men practicing Kendo
            Image nop
              • Date Created: 1909
              • Description: The men here are depicted in full Kendo gear. Their armor and swords are designed to be used in practice against one another without causing harm. However, the mat/stage upon which the main subject of the picture stands could not serve as a ground to hold a Kendo match, as it is much too small.
              • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

              An elderly man getting his hair styled
              Image nop
                • Date Created: 1909
                • Description: It looks as if the man is getting his hair pulled back into the traditional Samurai hairstyle of the top knot (Chonmage).
                • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

                Samurai bowing before their lord
                Image nop
                  • Date Created: 1909
                  • Description: The important figure is stepping into a palanquin, about to be carried to his destination by his bodyguards.
                  • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs

                  People viewing a statue of a Samurai
                  Image nop
                    • Date Created: 1909
                    • Parent Collections: A Tourist's Album of Japan, Album of Japanese Photographs