Showing 1 - 10 of 22 Records

Children and Teacher at the South Branch School, Marlboro, Vt.
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    • Date Created: 19--
    • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

    Children and Teacher Miss Cole at the South Branch School, Marlboro, Vt.
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      • Date Created: 1909
      • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

      School Class Picture with 23 American Flags, Newfane, Vt.
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        • Date Created: 1910
        • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

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          • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
          • Date Created: 2000
          • Description: The cartoon shows a group of 5 people sitting in front of an audience at a curved table. The sign on the front of the table is labeled, "Slumberville School Board." The man on the far left side of the table says, "We need staff who can make decisions and accommodations on the spot for students with disabilities in regular classes." The woman next to him says, "...and they have to be adept at dealing with challenging behaviors." The man in the center says, "And they must be proficient in teaching core academics." The woman on his other side says, "...and life skills too!." The woman on the far right says, "...and we hope to accomplish this by hiring a small army of untrained paraprofessionals at $7.00 dollars and hour." The tag line reads, "If you need staff with the skills of teachers and special educators, maybe you need to hire teachers and special educators."
          • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks

          Miss Clark and her Sunday School Class Inside Building in Jamaica, Vt.
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            • Date Created: 1912
            • Description: See image bmlthayerT293 also.
            • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

            Doing it Wrong Doesn't Make it Wrong
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              • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
              • Date Created: 1998
              • Description: This cartoon shows two school colleagues conversing. The one seated behind the desk says, "We placed Jason in a regular class part of the time, we assigned a full-time aide, and we even did therapy in the back of the classroom. He still can't do the same work as the other kids... Inclusion isn't right for everyone." His colleague shakes his head in disbelief and replies, "You STILL don't get it!" The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Inclusive Education: Doing it wrong doesn't make it wrong." The note on the side indicates, "Inspired by Michael Hock."
              • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants

              Miss Clark and her Sunday School Class in Jamaica, Vt.
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                • Date Created: 1912
                • Description: See image bmlthayerT294 also.
                • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

                Union District School Class Picture with Teacher Miss Edith Landman, Newfane, Vt.
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                  • Date Created: 1915
                  • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

                  School Class Picture with Teacher Fred Gilbert, Newfane, Vt.
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                    • Date Created: 1909
                    • Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs

                    Word Problems
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                      • Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
                      • Date Created: 2000
                      • Description: The cartoon shows a document labeled, "Mediation Exam." It reads, "27. During a one-hour meeting, if a parent speaks about her child's educational needs at 120 words per minute and a professional listens to 83 of those words per minute while simultaneously scanning 6 pages of the students file, how many years will if take for them to understand each other?" There is a hand with a pencil coming from the right side of the panel getting ready to write in the answer. The tag line reads, "Word Problems."
                      • Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks