December 9, 1942. PINE STREET CENTRAL PLANT STOREHOUSE NO.1 This view of the storehouse No. 1 shows it as it appeared in December 1942 after the rough boarding and roof work had been nearly completed. This storehouse was constructed mainly for storing sand and salt for winter use in sanding the streets and sidewalks, also for storing the snow fence and sand boxes during the summer. In addition to this, however, the ground floor of the original section of the old Robinson-Edwards Lumber shed shown at the right end of the storehouse is used for storing machinery and equipment while the south end shown at the left side of the picture is used for storing small tools and equipment. Note the 60 foot timber truss supported by one center pier which was constructed between the two halves of the original lumber shed making a total length of 120 feet and a total width of 40 feet. Note the two salt bins at either side of the sand storage space, also the Elevating Conveyor used in loading sand.