October 2, 1942. Photo No. 19. This view of Staniford Road shows the removal of the header between the first and second day's work. The planks shown at the right were used to allow the equipment to turn around on the end of the first day's work without damaging the pavement. Please note the sharp ed and hard surface of the first day's pavement construction where the header is being removed. The manhole in the center of the street and a plank were removed from the top of the manhole in the center of the street and a plank cover was placed approximately ten inches (10") below the surface to allow the mixing, shaping, and rolling process to proceed over the top of the manhole without interruption. The exact location of the manhole was preserved by marking the face of the curb on both sides and measuring the distance from the center to the center of the manhole before removing the casting. The following day the temporary plank cover was removed and the casting reset flush with the surface of the new pavement and hand mixed soil-cement was tamped into place around the casting. Work done by the Burlington Street Dept.