June 29, 1946. Burlington Street Department - Burlington, Vermont. Intervale Road - Asphalt Stabilized base and Armor Coat Wearing Surface. This view taken from the intersection of Riverside Ave. looking northerly toward the railroad track shows the mixing process while constructing the stabilized base using asphalt emulsion (XRM) as a binder. The materials used for aggregate on this job was road gravel hauled from the Lunderville Pit in the town of Williston last October (1945) and spread approximately 28 feet in width over the entire section from Riverside Ave. to the railroad crossing, a distance of approximately 875 feet. Note the Allis-Chalmers Power Grader mixing the gravel after the asphalt emulsion had been applied by pressure distributor. The Armor Coat Wearing surface was constructed directly after the stabilized base had been completed. This is a very economical type of paving, especially where a cheaper grade of materials can be used and the location does not demand a higher type of pavement.