October 11, 1944. Pine Street Project, D.A. - W.I. No. 4, Burlington, Vermont. (Defense Area - War Industry No. 4) This project financed by the Federal Government as an Access Highway to a Defense Plant was handled and supervised through the Vermont State Highway Department. The construction work was done under contract by D. W. Overocker, Genera; Contractor of Burlington, Vermont. The Pine Street Section of the Project consisted primarily of: - (a) Furnished and placed gravel base approximately 12 inches in depth over the entire length of this section from Howard Street to Flynn Ave. (b) Excavating sections near the intersection of Howard Street including the railroad crossing, the intersection of Lakeside Ave. and the intersection at Flynn Ave. where-ever the old pavement would not permit a minimum depth of 12 inches. (c) Furnishing and installing drainage pipes and constructing catch basins and cross culverts for surface drainage. (d) Constructing 3 inch mixed-in-place asphalt pavement 24 feet in width with 5 foot gravel shoulder on either side. (e) Reconstructing railroad crossing to Tuletex Plant (at expense of E. B. and A. C. Whiting Co.). This view was taken from the intersection of Flynn Ave. looking northerly showing the gravel placed and spread for the 3 inch mixed-in-place wearing surface. Note the tack coat extending on both sides of the gravel as a working surface on top of the 12 inch gravel base.