Text included with this images states that the Indian Pipe Fern is: "A first cousin of the Christmas Fern as fronds remain green all winter. It was known in Europe for many years but not found in America until Frederick Pursh found it in Smugglers Notch in 1807. It has since been found in the White Mountains, Easthills, and Adirondaks and New Brunswick."
Fern Indian pipe. A 1st cousin of xmas fern as fronds remain green all winter. - Known in Europe many years but not found in America until Fred'k Pursh found it in Smugglers Notch in 1807. Since found White Mts. - Easthills and Adirondaks and New BrunswicDataMicrosoftAccessSystem.mdw
Note [Digital Version]
2009-09-05, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries