Topics include proposal relating to the parity equivalent of manufacturing milk; disposal of powdered milk surplus in foreign countries; Richard Aplin, Milk Marketing Administrator for the Boston Area; price supports and government surpluses of dairy products; marketing quotas and reduced output of milk; fluid milk purchases; export of dairy products; herd culling program; proper use of diverted acres; price of grain used for dairy rations; milk rations for Armed Services; size of dairy farms and government support for small farms; Commodity Credit Corporation; Senate Committee on Agriculture hearings on dairy support price; decreasing demand for milk; role of Democratic party in creating current dairy industry problems; milk vending machines for office buildings and factories; strawberry milk; Brucellosis; sale of milk in two and four quart cartons; importation of hay and cattle from Canada; field dairy hearings; proposed dairy program; President Eisenhower's flexible price support program; Agricultural Agreement Act of 1937 and domestic trade barriers affecting milk and milk products; meeting of all farm organizations in Vermont interested in dairy to consider general policy questions.