Della Oakes to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher\, 1889 December 25 and 1890 January 5
Parent Collections - Fletcher Family
Title - Della Oakes to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1889 December 25 and 1890 January 5
Creator - Oakes, Della.
Recipient - Fletcher, Ruth.
- Fletcher, Andrew.
Description - Topics include Della's impressions of Pleasant Lake, Indiana, the activities and health of her children, and her suspicions of her Vermont relatives' attitudes toward her.
Extent - 4 pages
Note [Digital Version] - 2009-01-30, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Genre - letter
Type of Resource - text
Publisher - Silver Special Collections, University of Vermont Libraries
Access Conditions - No Copyright - United States
Access Conditions [Local] - For further information please contact Special Collections, University of Vermont Libraries at
Identifier [Local] - CnbC065f029i004
Digital Format - image/tiff
Digital Format - Text/Color: 24 bits; 300 ppi
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