Remembering Patricia Carini

Remembering Patricia Carini

Patricia F. Carini – co-founder of the Prospect School and Center, philosopher of children and childhood, leader in progressive educational thought, writer and speaker, friend and mentor to many - passed away on March 13, 2021. This loss has prompted many of us to tell stories about Pat - and to document her transformative impact on us as thinkers, teachers, persons.

We invite you to join in honoring Pat by contributing your “Pat and Prospect story” to the Prospect School and Center for Research and Education Archives at the Silver Special Collections Library at the University of Vermont. Your memories of Pat and Prospect, and your recollections of how Pat and Prospect affected your thinking, your work, your life are important parts of Pat’s legacy. Your experiences fill out the history and impact of the work that is represented in the Prospect Archives at UVM.

The Prospect Archives include the art, writing and other work of the children who attended the school as well as the papers of both Pat and her husband Lou Carini and the institutional records of the Prospect School and Center.

You can write up your story or, if you prefer, you can be interviewed. This gathering of Pat and Prospect stories for the Prospect Archives at UVM complements the symposium “Attending with Care: Continuing Legacy of Patricia Carini” to be published in Schools: Studies in Education and all the other tributes that are going on to honor Pat's work and assure that it continues.

To Contributors

Here are some initial questions to think about as you gather your memories, but you should not feel limited by them:

  • How and when did you become involved with Prospect and Pat?
  • After your first contact, what compelled you or called to you about the work?
  • How did you follow up with Prospect and Pat and/or how did your connection with Prospect and Pat influence your work and thinking?
  • In what ways have you passed Prospect work on to others?

Gather your memories of Pat – time you spent at the institutes and conferences, time you worked with her on a descriptive review or reflection, time you shared teaching stories with her, time you listened to her speak at a conference, time you watched her with children, time you visited Prospect School.

Think of this as an opportunity for those of us who value Pat and Prospect to share our memories and stories together.

Write or tell a ‘Pat and Prospect story’ that evokes Pat as a person, thinker, and educator; a story that invites readers into Prospect thought and practice. Write or tell your story in any style and at any length, ranging from a paragraph to several pages.

These stories will serve to orient people to Pat and Prospect and to honor her significance as a thinker and educator through her great impact on individuals and groups in the many communities where she worked.

All of the contributions will become part of the Prospect Archives at UVM and may be posted to the Special Collections website.

We welcome your stories

Ann Caren, Prospect

Chris Burns, Silver Special Collections Library

How to Submit

Step One: Complete a submission form.

Step Two: Send your submission form and Pat and Prospect Story by mail or email to sends e-mail), email address is also listed on the submission form.

Questions should be sent to Chris Burns(link sends e-mail)


Anonymous: Access PDF.

Cottam, Meg: Access PDF.

Ellowitch, Azi: Access PDF.

Heckler, Wilma: Access PDF.

Himley, Margaret: Access PDF.

Howard, Jessica: Access PDF.

Turnquist, Bruce: Access PDF.

Wice, Betsy: Access PDF.


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