Prospect Archives Practitioner Fellowship Application



Deadline for applications is February 15, 2025. Recipients will be notified by March 31, 2025.  Please email a completed application form with the following materials:


  1. Please include your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.

  2. A 3-page [or 1500 word] essay that includes the following: 
    • What does the applicant expect to accomplish from becoming more familiar with the Prospect Archives and Descriptive Processes? Be sure to include any previous knowledge of and experience with the Prospect Archives and Prospect’s Descriptive Processes.
    • In what ways has the applicant shown leadership experience in the past? In what ways has the applicant had a positive impact upon his/her professional communities?
    • How does the applicant expect this experience to impact future practice professionally, both as an individual and as a member of the educational community?
    • How does the applicant foresee promoting the use of the Prospect Archives and the Prospect Descriptive Processes in her or his classroom, school, college, or local community?
  1. A brief (1-2 pages) vitae
  1. Two letters of reference from persons who can attest to the applicant's capacity to communicate and collaborate effectively with others, and who may have knowledge of the applicant's prior experience with the Prospect Archives and Prospect’s Descriptive Processes.


Evaluators are asked to apply the following 6 criteria when judging the quality of the applications:

  1. The quality of the conception, definition, organization, and clarity of the application.
  2. Specificity about previous knowledge and experience with the Prospect Archives and its Descriptive Processes.
  3. The clarity of the case made for how the fellowship might promote wider use of the Prospect Archives and might impact future practices within the educational setting and larger community.
  4. How adequately the applicant demonstrates the potential to work with other educators in helping them to take active roles in their own educational experiences.
  5. The willingness of the applicant/s to participate in follow-up activities such as contact with the program mentor and other ways of promoting interest in the Prospect Archives.
  6. How the letters of reference indicate strengths of the applicants.

Quesions about the fellowship program and completed applications should be sent to the Silver Special Collections Library

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